Documentary Short Film Official Music Video

Crowded House :: To The Island

“A friend of Nick’s, brilliant Irish filmmaker Myles O’Reilly, has made a beautiful short film with our new song To The Island as a soundtrack. It introduces an inspiring couple, lifelong partners Eddie and Elsie, with wise words about love, nature and dreams. It’s so hopeful and tender. We should take their words and their world to heart.” – Neill Finn (Crowded House)

3 comments on “Crowded House :: To The Island

  1. Pingback: Eddie & Elsie – Frames of Reference

  2. If you’re ever thinking of quitting this gig, you give me a call and let me convince you of how much joy and perspective I’ve gained from your films. Beautiful stuff my friend ❤️🤘🏼

  3. For half an hour this morning, as I cut grass and potteered around the garden in glorious sunshine, a most beautiful thing happened to me: a monarch butterfly glided around. Gently. Easily. Elegantly. Alone. Then I listened and watched Elsie and Eddie’s wisdom on Life. Could anything be lovelier. Thankyou.

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